Welcome to the personal page of 

Patrick McDonnell

A brilliant career.

My Official site

After studying old masters techniques of painting  for years with two master artists,  after high school I struck out on my own thanks to a scholarship from Hallmarks cards. I attended the Ringling School of Art in Sarasota Florida for a year. At the end of the year I was awarded another scholarship from the faculty but decided to go to France to attend the Beaux Arts school of art.  A mistake or a stroke of genius. I learned a lot about life in France and ended up traveling all over Eastern and Wester Europe and Tunisia. I was awarded an equivalency of a French Baccalaureate from the school.

In Louisiana I worked as a TV camera man for a local news organization; I learned how to shoot and edit tv news stories in a day.  Sometimes up to 3 a day.  Then I went to university to take premedical courses in order to qualify for medical illustration graduate school. I was accepted in 1977.   I studied Gross Anatomy and other medical topics.  I finished my Master Thesis and graduated while I was employed at the world famous  Baylor medical school. You can see the graph of the income for the medical illustration unit - due in some part to me. More of my work here

Then I was invited to Paris France  by a world famous cardiovascular surgeon  - Alain Carpentier - and medical publishers. You  can see my Paris studio in the picture. I was instrumental in the use of computers in medical art (the Quantel Paint box). I was invited to speak at different meetings and universities. 

Over the years I have produced thousands of illustrations in black and white and in the colour for clients. My work is featured in a museum in New York City. I have been at the forefront of computer 3D graphics.  At the bottom of the page there is an unsolicited letter of thanks from one of my nicest clients at Baylor School of Medicine. Here is an online interview about my work

For the last years I have been studying psychiatry and psychology to understand the human mind. I am especially interested in Narcissistic Personality Disorders and Psychopathy; abnormal psychology..