"Don't worry Mr. Worth, nothing untoward happened last
night. In your condition, I doubt you were up to it." She
smiled and climbed out of bed, not covering her self-the way
Rose did, and stretched like a cat. Overcoming my surprise, I
saw she had the same lithe body type of a climber. Did she work
out too? So many women wanted the hard body look; they flocked
to gyms all over the states, unless they were stuffing themselves
with junk food. I hadn't seen many fat Chinese women; most of
them cycled and walked up stairs in apartments without elevators.
"Where are my cloths?" I realized that I wasn't
in my cheap room at the holiday inn, but a more sumptuous room,
with a view overlooking the city. My bags were open and my cloths,
hung up in the walk in closet.
She stood looking calm cool and collected. "We were afraid
you might choke on your own vomit, Mr. Worth, and we did not
want to loose you so soon after meeting you. Are all Americans
not good at holding their drink?" I was too embarrassed
by her nakedness and by the truth to answer.
"The boss man has decided that you will need better quarters
now that you are part of the team. Welcome to Shangri La Hotel.
I hope you like the emanates." Despite my fuzzy headiness
I noticed she used much more erudite words than Rose. Lilly liked
caressing them in her mouth, pronouncing them right, without
an accent. She was superior to Rose in many ways, like a Ming
vase compared to a carton of milk. My jade rod started to respond
to her nude body, and she noticed, smiling. "Well, I see
you recover quickly. I would suggest you take a bath, especially
after your first climb."
She was right; my body ached in places I didn't even know
existed. Especially around my groin. Was the harness or were
there muscles down there I didn't know existed a couple
of times I had raised my legs above my hips making me think I
was going to dislocate them. Jason told me I had almost done
a "dyno" at the crux. Whatever that was.
"Why don't we meet in the lobby for breakfast, say in
a half an hour, I would like to talk and take you to meet some
one who knew general Chenault and his Chinese wife Anna Chan
well. You will not be disappointed this time, Mr. Worth."
Over breakfast of exotic fruit, Lilly told me how she had
grown up in the eastern part of Yunnan province of which Kunming
was the capitol. She actually came from Lijang, and her father
had been a botanist, married to a ethnic Xian woman. He followed
in the footsteps of such great scientists as Joseph F. Rock.
Her father had managed to get a visa to study in England at the
Kew Royal Botanical gardens and had taken her along to study
English. Lilly had learned the language and had caught the environmental
bug. She had spent her time between guiding tourists around and
Yunnan and trekking in the Himalayas, cataloging new species
and trying to stop butterfly rustling. "Yes, Mr. Worth,
butterfly collectors pay our people to collect them, using ultraviolet
lights. Many species are near extinction. You should know that
National Geographic Society has declared Yunnan as one of the
hot spots of the world, with over 500,000 different and unique
"I want you to meet the Flying Tiger's secret weapon."
She whisked me into her Toyota and off we went, careening down
streets filled with Chinese bent on impeding our way on their
bikes. We arrived at the Botanical exhibition area, built for
an international horticulture meeting in 1999, then wound our
way down the rows of flowers. A riot of color would be an understatement.
We stopped in the shade of a Chinese Tulip tree and Lilly told
me," here we are Mr. Worth."
"Look Lilly, I don't think we should be so formal, especially
after this morning."
"But Mr. Worth, I don't call my lovers by their first
name until we have had coitus." She said this with a serious
air but dimples appeared on her cheeks. "You are still in
the formal and former category. By the way, let me introduce
you to Mr. Lu, a great gardener and weather predictor. He was
a young boy during the Sino Chinese war and worked for the Flying
An old man, smiling with a cigarette in his mouth and another
behind his ear, stood up from behind an Azalea bush, and offered
me his hand. "How are you Yankee boy, how are you honored
daughter? Is this the SOB you told me about?"
Lilly smiled, already happy to have gotten my goat twice this
morning, and now my surprise was too much to hide.
"You knew the Flying Tigers pilots?"
"Oh, yeah, those SOB's they were fun. Do you have American
cigarette?" He held out a callused and grimy hand to me.
I told him no, I didn't smoke. I almost told him it would kill
you, then I realized that he must be a 2 pack a day man and probably
from an early age. The AVG flyers used to ply him with cigarettes
to let them into different woman's quarters. How a gardener could
help me with my book was beyond me, and I thought that Lilly
was turning into a practical joker. I soon learned she was a
praxeologist as well as a biologist.
"I make weather magic, I know air gods." He explained
to me after having a long conversation with Lilly where they
both had a lot of laughs, at my expense I assumed.
"Mr. Worth, Mr. Lu was the unofficial weather forecaster
for the pilots. This was before radar and meteorology. The pilots
swore by his predictions. Gardners and farmers know more about
weather than most people give them credit. Especially here, we
are in the nexus of several different climatic systems. And then
there is the jet stream. The devil wind."
We walked back to a food stand and ordered Cha, green tea,
and what was followed was an intimate view of the war from a
Chinese perspective. I put a lot of it in my book, the juicier
parts I left out for fear of embarrassing the descendants. Mr.
Lu also liked to exaggerate the sexual prowess of the pilots
and their women. Later I learned how death can make you do extraordinary
"I would like to talk to him more, " I commented
to Lilly as we left in the afternoon, Mr, Lu returning to his
"You will have lots of time to talk to him, he is coming
with us as you are."
This is the first time I had heard about this. My plans included
some traveling to gather more information on the Flying Tigers.
She added, "they have discovered the wreckage of a Curtis
Tomahawk from the AVG on one of the glaciers near Meili Snow
Mountains, you must interview the local people. You can ask them
about Shangri La."
She had a way of upsetting me, changing my life, with a word
or a look. Now she dangled in front of my Hilton's fabled myth
and the wreckage of one of the lost Flying Tigers. My book needed
something new to sell I didn't want to rehash history,
but add to it.
"Let us go to where they have taken out the airplane
from the lake." Again we were off, she a way of taking over
my life, ordering me around, but not in the way American women
did. Instead she analyzed what I wanted and gave it to me, but
not in a servile way, but with oriental politeness.
Zacharias at Dianchi lake

Several surprises waited for me near the lake. It was a beautiful
place; the spring flowering trees were out of a Peking Opera's
decor. Sitting incongruously amongst the splendor was a wreck
of an airplane. The aluminum had not rusted, though the paint
was chipped and weathered. The surfaces that had been covered
with canvas were empty; the Curtiss was an obsolete airplane
even when it flew in combat, my dad had flown some of the British
surplus in North Africa before his B-26 arrived.
A group of Chinese officials were standing or squatting near
the plane. They parted when we arrived, Lilly had that affect
on men and women. In the middle of the group he stood my new
boss. Zacharia Taylor Weatherspoon. Rose was interpreting for
him, until Lilly shot her a look and she scurried away.
"Zacharia was a prophet from the Old Testament, but you
can call me Zack. My parents were bible welding Southern Baptists
always telling me stories of hell and brimstone. Guess that's
why I went into the oil business wanted to know if it was true.
Hot as hell underground. Now I am trying to get to Heaven. Eye
of the Needle and the camel, you know that one?" he seemed
to know me well, as if we were the best of good old boys, and
he kept up a banter with several people. Shooting from the hip
was what he called it- he was surrounded by a coterie of flunkies,
one who was constantly on a satellite cell phone, and others
with clip boards and PD's. Tex, as he also like to be called,
was a mile a minute talker, no slow drawler, like he would call
me, poking fun at my Louisiana accent.
"Mike, come meet the new addition to our clan,"
Zach called over a sweating flunky, dressed in a three-piece
suit, Michel Blumberg, the corporate lawyer. "Get Brady
to sign those papers, you hear. Lets get that out the way."
A non-disclosure was shoved in front of my face, and I sputtered.
"Mike, did we tell him how much we are putting him on
retainer for?" Mike smiled and walked away to make another
cell phone call. " I think he would be jealous, you know
how these people are." Zach said the last to me in a stage
whisper. "You are all set at the Shangri La? Good. Wait
until you see the real thing. And Lilly treating you well? I
can see she is. All right, lets get rolling. Time is money, and
I have got a conference with the minister of National Strategic
Research Center for Oil and Gas Resources." He turned around
to Mike and me his compelling me to sign the contract. When I
did, he smiled, that shark smile, the smile of the cat that had
just eaten the canary. "Hell, lets go eat, I've seen enough
of this wreck, the one the have at the Confederate air force
in Harlington works, this one doesn't."
He came over to me and put his arm around me, hugging me to
his barrel chest, the string tie with the clasp made from gold
with an emerald in the middle making a dent in my chest. "You
and me are going to be best friends."
If he had kissed me I would not have been surprised, only
later did I find out he hated touching people except when he
wanted to control you completely. He wanted to buy my soul and
body and especially my loyalty.